Digging Into Xbox One's Used Games Policy
Should people be upset about the proposed changes to game ownership?
It’s been almost a month since the Xbox One reveal, and we’re still not 100% clear on how the Xbox One’s connection requirements and licensing policies will affect how we play and share games. What we do know for certain, however, has proved unpopular. Restrictions on used games and lending – as outlined in a Microsoft update a few days before E3 began - mean big changes for console gamers. Xbox players will no longer be able to lend disc-based games to a friend; you can give them away, but only once, and only if you’ve been Xbox Live friends for more than 30 days, and you can never get it back.
What exactly is it about these policies that’s so upsetting?The outcry against these restrictions has reverberated across the Internet. But what exactly is it about these policies that’s so upsetting? What do they really mean for game ownership – and, as many defenders of the Xbox One have pointed out, is it really that different from Steam?
Xbox One gamers will be purchasing the right to use that game under the terms of their subscription.A similar agreement is likely to be integrated into the new Xbox Live terms of service, now that an Xbox Live account will be mandatory for Xbox One users. Like Steam users, Xbox One gamers won’t be purchasing actual games anymore, either on a disc or digitally: they will be purchasing the right to use that game under the terms of their subscription.
PC gamers have been getting used to a digital-only, digital-rights-managed gaming world for a decade. The price for giving up ownership rights in exchange has ultimately been convenience, as Walker points out. “PC gamers, me included, have allowed themselves to accept these losses of freedom in exchange for convenience. So from one perspective, buying a game on Steam is a couple of easy clicks and a pause to download, rather than driving into town, parking, finding a store, buying, getting home, installing, etc.
“But to get this, we rather nonchalantly dismissed the loss of not being able to lend that game to a friend when we're done with it, or exchange it for something else.”
It’s unlikely that digital games on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 will be any cheaper than full retail price.The reason that full games on both PSN and Xbox Live are so pricy – full RRP, usually – is that neither Microsoft nor Sony can afford to undercut places like GameStop and GAME, shops that they rely upon to stock and sell Xbox and PlayStation games. Given that bricks-and-mortar retailers aren’t going anywhere, at least not yet, it’s unlikely that digital versions of games on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 will be any cheaper than full retail price. Steam, meanwhile, has no such relationship with retailers to maintain, as the sale of physical PC games on a disc is practically dead.
When you buy a CD or a vinyl record, that music doesn’t get magically tied to your iTunes account.It comes down to the change to a subscription/service model rather than the purchase model. But don’t we need new laws to govern these changes? Where’s the precedent in other entertainment industries? “The thing is that DRM, media rights and how they intermingle with the law is a mess,” says Tomas Leaf. “IP law, Copyright law and Contract law all apply to this issue and the manner in which this all moves is very fluid. Law changes only by an appellate court changing the common law or by legislature passing new laws, which is inherently cumbersome and slow.
“The facts of a 1996 case regarding EULA’s are so out of date we might as well be debating whether or not tyrannosaurs have a right to eat leftovers of a stegosaurus left by a pack of velociraptors.”
If you want to play games on that console, you have to play by Microsoft’s rules.The fact is that lending, sharing and playing with friends and family is not just a vital part of console gaming culture, but of culture as a whole. The ability to share your Xbox One games library with ten other people is an important concession to this fact, but is it good enough to make up for all the other restrictions? For many, it’s not.
“I think sharing is intrinsically important to humans,” Walker asserts. “It's too easy to dismiss culture as greedy/everyone for themselves, etc, because on a micro level it simply isn't true. In fact, it's really only true on a corporate level. What we're seeing [here] is, just as we have with music and film, corporations trying to apply their sociopathic corporate mindset to consumers as a mass. And consumers aren't a mass, they're people, and they defiantly share.”
Sharing and consumer rights need not die with physical media.Things are undoubtedly changing, and eventually it’s likely that we will all move towards a digital-only world, governed by service and subscription models that give whatever company we choose more control over our entertainment. Discs will become a thing of the past, and we will have to adapt. But we will do so on our own terms, within a system that we feel comfortable with – like PC gamers have with Steam. If this uproar has proved anything, it’s that people won’t be forced.
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