More Details on Always-Online Xbox Revealed Three minutes to live.

Adding to the pile of the next Xbox's always-online rumors, anonymous sources state that the next-gen console will suspend games or applications if not connected to the internet.
Speaking to Kotaku, an unspecified source stated, "If the connection is interrupted then after a period of time -- currently three minutes, if I remember correctly -- the game/app is suspended and the network troubleshooter started."
Other sources indicated that this requirement may change over time, while others are said to have no knowledge about a constant internet connection for the console.
SimCity's disastrous launch by way of an always-online requirement served as a compelling argument against this implementation for consoles, but Microsoft appears adamant about a constant connection.
IGN learned recently that the next Xbox will apparently require all games to be installed before use. Do these prohibitive mea 1,142 reading now
sures make you wary about the new hardware?


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